Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Community Supported Boatbuilding

A Public Showcase of Our Apprentices’ Skills

Come join us as we challenge ourselves to build two canoes in two weeks. This will take place at the Como Lakeside Pavilion during June 21st -July 1st, Monday-Thursday 8:00-4:30 pm. Six apprentices will put themselves to the test during this time and exhibit their skills to the community they are a part of. There will be lots of interesting action taking place such as steam bending, lashing, carving, and skinning. As the canoes are finished they will be launched on July 1st at Como Lake. But this is just half of the challenge.

In August the apprentices will bring their canoes to the Boundary Waters along with two other shop-built boats to test themselves in the wilderness.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

One More Skiff Finished

We just finished this skiff with a Boatbuilding Partner. This was built by a group of 10 High Schoolers from St Paul. We chose to oil in the inside of the boat and paint the outside. I think it is a good testament to their craftsmanship to oil the inside and expose any mistakes. Just like like anything mistakes are how we learn to be better craftspeople. This skiff was constucted out of White Pine, Fir Plywood, Black Cherry, and White Oak. We will test it out this spring once the ice gives up it's grip of the water below.