(Phil giving me my completion certificate)
Today is my last day with Urban Boat builders. I got a certificate for completing the year long job at Urban boat Builders. It's kind of scary because I think this will be one of my easiest experiences with a job just in the "working" business. I don't think I will ever find more caring, or nice people in my working life. Starting off I would like to personally thank Phil, Brian, and Dave. Also all the other people I've met in this job. I've met many very cool people in Urban boat Builders, by going different places that teach me about building.
When I started I wasn't very good at sticking with one task and finishing it very well, but now I feel like I can do almost anything in the shop that I'm asked. I've completed many boats, a paddle, and a block plane. I think this opportunity that I was given was very unique. We did a 62 mile trip down the Mississippi, which was the most fun I've ever had. It didn't even feel like work, it kind of had a camp like experience. We cooked, swam, played a game on the canoe "which was very interesting". We also camped which I always love. In the morning on the last night I found Phil sleeping outside on the table, didn't look very comfortable. We then canoed the last part of the day and ended with a barbecue. I will always remember that trip. Today as I'm sitting here writing this after eating little Ceasers pizza and cupcakes, I think about how fortunate I was to find a job like this. Where people treat you so well. I'm very excited to go out in the world and be able to share all the skills I've learned here with other people. Hopefully I can use some of them to do things my self. I'm very excited that I have learned all these skills because as a woman its very unique to be working in the building industry. I think it really gives me something to talk about and be proud of that I've accomplished something like this.